I used to do it via some book engine like librarything or goodreads. But there are just too much distraction going into them. They are after all recommendation engines designed to find you your next best read. On some days, that is really what I want to do, but for the purpose of tracking my goal, all I want is to log my reads. So now, I keep a simple google form that only asks me 2 questions:
With those 2 questions answered, and with some spreadsheet wizardry, I automatically get the following response:
Dear human,
As of today, you have read 27 books this year.
This month alone, you have read 8 books.
At this rate of 9 books a month, you should be on track to read 100 books a year.
Sincerely, Spreadsheets for Humans
March 18, 2020
I call this spreadsheet “booking in”. :)