
How to make a Korean sentence a day?

My goal is to make one Korean sentence a day, no matter how trivial, as having it done is better than having a perfect sentence. My workflow goes like this:

  1. Think of something to say in native language (even if it is just the weather).
  2. Get the necessary words (nouns, verbs, adjectives etc)
  3. Arrange them as much as possible to be grammatically correct
  4. Post on HelloTalk app

I remember my first sentence took me close to 2 hours, and it was only” these sentences:

I like your photographs. What camera do you use?

Which is translated (and corrected by the good folks in HelloTalk) to:

저는 사진을 좋아합니다. 무슨 카메라 사용해요?

I was trying to think of a simple sentence to say to someone on HelloTalk. So I looked at the profile and noticed she posts beautiful photos.

The word camera was easy enough, as the Korean word for it sounds just like it. I didn’t know what photograph” was, so I had to look it up using Naver.

Next I revisited the Korean grammar website taught on Talk to me in Korean (TTMIK) to rearrange the words into something sensible.

Finally, I posted it on HelloTalk app and asked for correction, which they promptly did. Bless them.

The process sounds long, but I learnt more in making one sentence than just passive listening to TTMIK or rote learning via the Drops app. I actually wished I started earlier to do this now. If you are learning a new language, try as early as possible to start making sentences.

To recap on the resources I’ve used:

  1. Hello Talk app
  2. Naver dictionary
  3. Talk to me in Korean grammar courses
  4. Drops app on vocabulary building

Good luck!

Photo by @insungyoon on unsplash

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