Even I am surprised that I read 11 books for the month of February, and it’s supposed to be a short month. I think a lot of them are a rehash of existing theories, probably that’s why I could blitz through them without losing much. Maybe I should be more discerning about the books that I read. I do like the books I have chosen, but I might be distracting myself with books rather than making real change. It’s easier to read about change than change myself.
This book about running took me several months to read, not because it was a difficult read. It was because I had to put down the book, train with a technique for weeks, and pick it up again. I finally decided to finish it at one go in February 2020. I still pick it up now and again, in the hopes that i really can run faster as I age. If this is your dream too, pick up this book.
Seemed to have picked up quite a fair bit of books in this realm. First, I fucked up my mind with Everything is fucked. The Awakened Ape didn’t awaken me more than what I’ve already known. The Antidote didn’t provide any relief and MindApps is a trip without much help. If you were to choose one, start (and probably end) with Everything is fucked. Keto Diet is also nothing new, but focuses on better fatty food than eggs and bacon.
I know I am glossing over many of these books. If you’re interested in ketogenic diet, there are so many books out there. Just pick one, or try it yourself for 2 weeks and see whether it’s something you want to do.
For the mind food, Everything is fucked has some interesting things to say. You can get a flavour of it here. The rest, I’d leave to your own discretion. MindApps in particular, talks about using psychedelic drugs to access different levels of consciousness. There’s renewed interest in this field after Tim Ferriss’ investment into this field. This book however did not provide anything practical.
Make time is written by 2 people who used to work on making you spend more time on two things: email and youtube. They have since changed their ways. You can read a bit more about their work now here. I’ve even made a Day One template based on their “highlight” concept.
But what will you do after you’ve removed distractions and created more time?
100 side hustles could be a choice. This is a curated collection of side hustles from the famous side hustle school podcast.
Or you can choose to tidy your place via The life changing manga of tidying up. I introduced this to my 9 year old daughter and she loved it. Her tidying… still left to be desired.
If side hustles and a tidy home is not your thing, maybe investment is. I found The conceptual foundations of investing provides a good primer into the world of investing.
Finally, if none of those worked for you, I’d relaxed with a collection of comic strips called Baking with Kafka. Filled me with much joy. I’ll leave you with one of them here.