
No more dieting

Coincidentally, I read 2 books taking on the established diet industry:

Just check out their tag lines:

Constant craving - What Your Food Cravings Mean and How to Overcome Them

Anti diet - Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating

There are many reasons to be cynical about the diet industry. The biggest one being the billions of dollars that the industry is, all because it preys on our own self-esteem by disguising it as a health concern”.

Both these books tackle it from the root cause i.e. why you are eating the way you’re eating and what to do about that.

For example, I found out that I am a binge eater and a mood eater. I am also a borderline chocolholic. So we have to start with tackling the emotions, then the food. Not the other way round. This quote from Constant Craving puts it succinctly:

Trying to sublimate an emotion is like trying to ignore a child who desperately wants your attention. The child just screams louder and more urgently until the adult finally acknowledges him or her. Your emotions are just like that child. If you nurture and pay attention to them, they won’t need to scream at you in the form of an overly active appetite.

Anti diet took this a step further by creating a community around this, focusing on one message HAES - Health at every size.

If you’ve ever battled with weight loss and any kind of restriction in diet (keto, paleo, low carb, blue zone…), try reading these books. It will open up your perspective to the diet industry and to yourself. What have you got to lose? At most you just continue with your diet plan. :)

Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

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