
Introducing randomness

Ever since learning about PKB I was introduced to an app called random note, I have been thinking to reintroduce randomness into my routine. Day One (a journalling app) does a good job of On this day” where it will show you your memories on this particular day in all the years that you have been journalling. The Photos app on a Mac also has a similar function which they just call Memories”. I used to start my browser (currently Chrome) on a similar random page which I have since demoted. I am going to reintroduce this to my homepage again. It will pick up a random page from Wikipedia. Today it showed me the 1928 World Figure Skating Championships which Austria seemed to have dominated - who knew!

To set your homepage to a random page from Wikipedia, you’ll need to copy the following link and put as your homepage. Enjoy!


Now I just wish Bear has a similar random note generator. (I hope you’re listening!)

@parktroopers on unsplash

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