I’ve recently reread the 4-hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. It feels weird reading this again at this time when COVID-19 is still ongoing. One of the “advice” to be on your way to work only 4 hours a week, is to get permission to work from home. Where working from home was once a privilege, it is now a norm, mandatory even. So why bother re-reading an outdated book?
Despite being “out-dated”, the advice actually still applies. It’s just that while adjusting to working from home, I have forgotten that there are a lot of privileges to be able to work from home. In fact, I should make full use of this opportunity while being at home, rather than replicating “work from office” TO home. It’s like homeschooling, if all you do is to bring school home, then you might as well stay in school!
So what can I actually do at home that I couldn’t do at work? The main thing I could actually do is:
Focused work
While being in office opens you up to physical interruptions, being at home allows you to focus work that you probably can do within half the time. It means that you actually can accomplish a full day’s work in half the time!
I know this does not apply to some people, but the possibility is definitely there. Imagine freeing up at least half the work day, what would you actually do with the other half?
So i urge you to rethink your home working environment. Don’t think that this is just something you have to do. Think about the possibilities. The potential is definitely there. It is whether you dare to think it.