
Books on superhuman diet, basketball leadership and the noisy world of the deaf

It was a slow month with all the school holidays and festive holidays. I still manage to squeeze in 3 books. Here’s a quick summary of them and hope that’ll help you decide if they are worth your time.


This book is about diet. And I find it really tough to follow someone who’s mission is to squeeze out every ounce of food science to optimise the performance of mind and body. It is really great to hear and great to be able to do it, but I’m not changing the world, as I haven’t figured out myself yet. So all the energy and performance that I get will just be spent on playing more games and watching more movies. At the moment, at least for this month, I am trying out Intermittent Fasting. It’s much easier to execute than watching every morsel of what I eat.

Net Work

Net Work is a book about leadership and teamwork. It’s just nice to read about it using basketball as the context. If basketball is your thing and want some wisdom from it, check out Net Work by Rob McClanaghan. I consumed this in audiobook format.

Volume control

I got interested in this because my father has hearing problems. Well, he used to have hearing problems for a while now, but due to age, it has deteriorated more markedly recently and this caused some distress on his part. I listened to this partly to find out more of what can be done, but found that it’s actually more serious than I would have imagined. I complain about a noisy world, but a world without sound? I cannot say I fully understand the experience, but maybe, I shall try an experiment just for 24 hours. Bring on the industrial ear plugs. I will report back.

Up next Running scared It’s been months since I could get my running regime to be consistent. I use to run at least 3 times a week. Now I’m lucky if I could get in once a Logging runs
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