
Ultra fast writing

I think one of the main reason I am able to write consecutively every day is the very little friction my writing process currently has. I fire up Byword, and just start tapping away. Once done, I give it a name and then it miraculously appears on seenbox.es. It really feels like magic. All I need is a dropbox account, write something and save it as a text file in a folder, and then it appears. Even having an image within a post, although it’s a bit more work, also appears seemlessly on the website.

My goal for this website is just to hold myself accountable for all the learning adventures I embark on, a place to log what I’ve done, why I’ve done it, and how I’ve done it. Writing it down keeps the momentum and also provides a log of what I’ve actually done. I still write more stuff in my journal but some of these stuff, I feel that it might be useful to you, hence I put it out there. If all you want is to write something and publish it for the world to see, do try out blot.im.

Up next Mid November 2019 statistics Resurrecting failed goals
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