
1:59 half marathon

One of my goals in the year 2019 was to train for a 1:59 half marathon, in keeping with Eliud Kipchoges own 1:59 marathon target. I’m no elite runner, but if I can do half of what a professional can, I would feel rather accomplished. Half of what a professional can has been my target for various things so far and it seems to pan out reasonably well.

However, this year has been laden with sickness after sickness. Nothing that could kill (well, dengue potentially could but I survived), but still dented the training plan that I wanted for myself. I had my first sub 1 hour 10k this year. I thought I was on the right track. Training stopped and started many times, and I just couldn’t get back into the normal rhythm of things.

This November, I have a race that’s coming up soon, and I am no where near the target. However, I stumbled upon a book on getting older yet faster. It focuses solely on efficiency and developing the right muscles. I’ve always thought that this should be the way. The book seems to suggest that all the other types of training can take a back seat in favour of this.

I shall change my goal and go with this instead for this month. Focus on changing how I run, again.

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