
Changing perspective

One of my challenge in October 2019 was to improve my photography skills. I wanted to find an appropriate app or course. What did I end up doing? I joined an Apple session.

Joining an Apple session became the lowest friction activity. I just find a suitable time, and sign up. And all I have to do is make sure I turn up at the said time. I didn’t know how it was going to pan out, but I learnt more in one hour than me thinking about it or going through some course. The difference? Hands on experience and immediate feedback.

Chris Anderson was one of the co-creator of the Apple session, and this was what he said:

Go beyond the most obvious observation of the subject and try to imagine other possibilities.

So I played around with different angles and came up with this. Not one that I normally go far but it turned out surprisingly good.

Have you changed your perspective lately?


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