
How I get my audiobooks fix

I have been a long time listener of audiobooks. I’ve even owned cassette tapes of such books before digital copies were available. My audiobook collection rose quickly with the introduction of iPod, iTunes and CDs.

I still remember getting copies of audiobook CDs from the library and dutifully importing them to iTunes so I can listen to them on my iPod and iPhone.

Now that CD drives are almost non-existent on the later laptops (I still own one with it!), the steps to getting my audiobook fix has been through an app called Libby.

Libby is a fantastic app that if it links to your local library, you can listen to (and even read) anything your library has to offer. This now means that if I find something I like, I just need to download it there and then. The friction that used to be getting a physical copy of an audiobook, importing each CD one by one and then transferring them to a compatible device has totally disintegrated with this one step. It’s quite phenomenal what technology has done in this area. You just have to like books enough to realize it. :)

My current listen? Bob Iger’s Ride of a Lifetime.

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