
Chasing personal best

Setting a target of 1:59 did not give me a proper plan to reach it. But focusing on my form and efficiency actually brought me closer. Chasing personal best does not seem like a very smart strategy now.

Today, with only form training for 2 weeks, I actually had a personal best for my half marathon. This was quite unexpected as I did not log my miles” for months, averaging under 30km a month when I used to do that number in a week. I’m not sure if I can fully say it’s due to form training. It could be that my body is fully rested. It could be that my legs benefited from the low volume training. It could be that there is less stress now. Whatever it is, I have to say that the quality of today’s run was markedly different from previous ones.

I reminded myself to focus on form throughout. No overleaning forwards or backwards. Keep looking for that balance and focus on the bounce. The strategy miraculously gave me a personal best which I didn’t expect going into the race. This will continue to be my focus from now on. But for today, I’ll rest and bask in my little happiness bubble. :)

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