
The Counterweight

I often talk about learning as an isolated thing to do but life doesn’t exist in isolation. In order for my learning to progress, there are other things that need to happen in the opposite direction. I call this my counterweight. Here is what wikipedia says about counterweight:

A counterweight is a weight that, by exerting an opposite force, provides balance and stability of a mechanical system. Its purpose is to make lifting the load more efficient, which saves energy and is less taxing on the lifting machine.

The obvious counterweight to my mental exertion is actually my physical exertion. This has taken the form of running and tai chi. Without them, my learning would sometimes come to a halt. There are many less obvious ones but equally if not more important eg familial support, financial support, emotional support etc. the point is that counterweights need to be nurtured as much as the learning adventures themselves.

Have you nurtured your counterweight lately?

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