As I was chatting to a friend about traveling for hiking yesterday, I recommended an online course where I learnt more about glaciers. I never thought I would like geography but the Mountains 101 course on coursera conducted by University of Alberta was one of the very few courses that I thoroughly enjoyed. The lecturers were entertaining, the content was inspiring (all shot on location no less) and there were tips and tricks for going outdoors. That was a really nice touch.
Right now I’m doing another course on coursera - Introduction to User Experience Design. It’s a short course to see how much I would enjoy this space, after thoroughly enjoying the book that seems to be the Bible now for user experience - Don Norman’s Design of Everyday Things. He’s even got badly designed doors named after him - Norman doors.
Coursera is available online or as an app on your phone. I’ve recently tried using the app on Apple TV and it worked like a charm. :)