
What did I learn from resurrecting my goal?

I’m so glad to report that I have finally resurrected one of my learning goals by starting my photography course, after signing up for one year. It would have been great if I finished the course in a week, but based on my progress, I think it might be done in a week or two. Will check back again by end of November 2019.

What helped pushed the resurrection?

I wrote about it. Then I made a start at it. And I wrote about it again. I wanted to make sure I kept it visible, to me and to the rest of the invisible world. And now, I’m writing about it again.

What distracted me from resurrection?

Netflix definitely is one big distractor. I started on some law drama series called Suits and it has become my nightly routine. No habits have ever solidified that fast. I will need some way of breaking this habit. I suspect fighting nnn is also a contributor. There’s only so much mental energy that can be used to control the mind. So glad that it’s finally over.

Let’s see what’s going to happen in the last week of November 2019. I manage to finish another book already. I should be on track to finish one more book and hopefully finish the photography course.

Up next The dominoes fell Dog lesson
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