
End of November 2019

And just like that, another month has gone by. What are the top 5 things I have learnt this month?

  1. Beating a 2 hour half-marathon is actually possible
  2. Dead goals can be made alive again
  3. Learning a new language from an app is possible, but requires a tweak
  4. Allow for serendipity in learning
  5. Getting a learning partner helps in learning

And the final tally for the month?

Looks like 1000 Korean words might take another month. At this rate, it seems I might need more than a month to achieve it. December is normally a slow month too with school holidays and family travels. I may need to have a more realistic challenge for the month of December. Stay tuned!

Up next Learning to use the Grab app It wasn’t too long ago that I got on the Grab bandwagon and now, I wonder what I’d do without it. Learning how to use this app was not difficult but Taekwando vs Muay Thai vs Karate
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